Most Reverend Michael Yeung Ming-Cheung Bishop of the Diocese of Hong Kong Christmas Greetings 2018


Most Reverend Michael Yeung Ming-Cheung
Bishop of the Diocese of Hong Kong

Christmas Greetings 2018

Do not be afraid; for behold, I proclaim to you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. (Luke 2:10)

Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ,

The Joy of the Gospel is proclaimed by the Angel of the Lord to the shepherds, likewise, this is also my humble and simple Christmas message to you, a message of hope and joy for “all the people” young and old alike in this season of peace and goodwill.

I know that many people in Hong Kong, especially the young and the elderly, are faced with grave hardships and challenges. The Church must “accompany” them in their practical ordinary living.

They are in my hearts and thoughts always and I am never tired of speaking about the Church’s ministry to the poor and the sick, the young, the elderly and the vulnerable
without excluding anybody else. Everyone is called to holiness, to be saints, in the very ordinariness of daily living. Everyone is called to holiness, to be saints, in the very ordinariness of daily living.

So once again I say, despite all the daily frustrations and sufferings that we must learn to offer to God in heartfelt gratitude, rejoice and be glad !

Be lovingly attentive to the needs of others, especially the most vulnerable.

Make a special effort to reach out this Christmas at least to one person or family in need
and see what practical help your parish, your school, your family and you can offer in addition to keeping that person or family in your prayers.

May the merciful Father grant us the grace to be numbered among those to whom Our Blessed Lord will say: “Amen I say to you whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me” (Matthew 25: 40).

See how our Mother Mary and St Joseph watch over the vulnerable Baby Jesus with loving attentive gaze. Pray that the Holy Family will bless and watch over us.

May the Peace and Joy of Christmas, the love of Christ and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
remain with you and your loved ones always!

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