“Home Away from Home” Episode 3: Indonesian Community

[Chi & Eng Subtitles] “Home Away from Home” Episode 3: Indonesian Community

In the 3rd episode, we shall visit the Indonesian Catholic community in Hong Kong, which is a faith community formed by the convergence of 3 groups, what kind of members are included in these 3 groups?

“Home Away from Home” is a new program series of the Diocesan Audio-Visual Centre. By visiting five Asian Catholic groups in Hong Kong, including the Korean, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Filipino and Japanese groups, we try to understand how they continue to persevere their faith in living in Hong Kong.

#HomeAwayFromHome #Korean #Vietnamese #Indonesian #Filipino #Japanese #IndonesianCatholicGroupsinHongKong #Passingonthefaith #LivingtheFaith #DAVC #Catholicdicoeseofhongkong #Catholicway

【Acknowledgement】Holy Family Parish, Rev. Natalius Suryanto, SVD, Elia Sri Remiati, Antonius Devin, Hillary Susanto, Christ the King Chapel, Sisters of St. Paul de Chartres

Co-Ordinator:Paul To
Photography:Sunny Mok, Bobby Tam, Anna Li
Editor & Reporter:Loura Foo
Director & post-production:Sunny Mok
Script supervisor:Zita Tsang
Producer:Simon Au
