《溫暖的目光 “Christmas is a Time to Love” mix》
靜夜裏仰望 百般溫暖 是祢目光
但願祢照亮 褪走黑暗 將心釋放
祂赦罪不歇 哪管風雨 伴我走 作護航
相信罪皆可免 靠主的愛 重振我願意
Christmas is a time, Christmas is a time
Christmas is a time to love
Christmas is a time, Christmas is a time
Christmas is a time to love
We often start to worry, and people get upset
If things don’t go alright on Christmas Day
What we should remember in all the push and shove
is Christmas is a time to love
不要讓驚怕 困擾思緖 令我心亂徬徨
主! 祢慈悲雙眼 愛的光線 浴我再造我
靜夜裏仰望 (Christmas is a time)
百般溫暖 (Christmas is a time)
是祢目光(Christmas is a time to love)
但願祢照亮 (Christmas is a time)
褪走黑暗 (Christmas is a time)
將心釋放(Christmas is a time to love)
或許天國未遠 因主愛着我
(“Christmas is a time to love” by Ernie Rettino and Debby-Kerner Rettino)
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