短片:愛 +人 ──《愛的喜樂》動畫系列 的 小組分享題目
- 你同不同意它的內容?那部份同意?那部份不同意?你欣賞的地方是甚麼?
- 對於它的內容,對你有甚麼提醒或啟發?對你是否合用?
- 短片那部份內容,你自己有親身體驗?有甚麼困難?
- 若要做到短片內容建議,需要甚麼資源和幫助?
- 有哪句聖經配合剛才的分享?(請參考下面各集的相關聖經選讀)
- 彼此代禱和感恩
- 片中提到「所有東西都可以購買、擁有和消費,包括人在內(AL127)」是甚麼意思?你認同嗎?為甚麼?
- 消費主義向我們推動甚麼的價值觀?和我們在家中所學的價值觀有甚麼分別?
- 當我們相信消費主義的虛假承諾,及只關注自己的需要時,對我們個人及家庭會產生甚麼影響?
- 片中提到「當我們沒法超越自己的慾望時,會築起小小安全網,視他人為厭煩或威脅」是甚麼意思?
- 消費主義在那方面阻礙我們生育下一代?為甚麼?
- 「即棄主義」如何影響我們對待長者、弱勢社群和需被照顧的人?
- 有情吃蔬菜,勝於無情食肥牛。(箴15:17)
- 貪求財貨的,困擾自己的家庭;憎惡饋贈的,生活必能安定。(箴15:27)
- 人的一切勞碌都是為了口腹,但他的慾望卻總不知滿足。(訓6:7)
- 其實天主的國並不在於吃喝,而在於義德、平安以及在聖神內的喜樂;(羅14:17)
- 人不要只求自己的利益,但也該求別人的利益。(格前10:24)
- 你們要節制,要醒寤,因為,你們的仇敵魔鬼,如同咆哮的獅子巡遊,尋找可吞食的人。(伯前5:8)
- 上主對加音說:「你弟弟亞伯爾在那裡?」他答說:「我不知道,難道我是看守我弟弟的人?」(創4:9)
Diocesan Pastoral Commission for Marriage and the Family
Short films: Love + People –
《The Joy Of Love》(Amoris Laetitia)
animated series group discussion topics
《The Joy Of Love》(Amoris Laetitia) Animated Series for reference :
The 6 AL videos in English version in the original web
You can refer to the following questions after watching each short film (or just select a few of them) to share your opinions:
1. Do you agree with its content? Which part do you agree with? Which part do you not agree with? Which part do you appreciate the most?
2. What attracts or inspires you most about this content? Is it useful for you?
3. What part of the video have you experienced in person? Did you face any difficulties?
4. What resources and help do you need to follow the suggestions from the video?
5. Which sentence from the Bible matches the previous content? (See the related Bible reading below)
6. Intercession and gratitude.
Episode 4 (Consumerism and families)
Discussion topics:1. Referring to the film “Everything can be purchased, owned and consumed, including people (AL127)” What does this mean? Do you agree? Why?
2. What values does consumerism instill in us? What is the difference between the values we have learned at home?
3. What impact does it have on us as individuals and our families when we believe in the false promises of consumerism and only focus on our own needs?
4. The film mentions: “We normally start to build a small safety net and despise others or see them as a threat” What does that mean?
5. In which aspect has consumerism prevented us from giving birth to the next generation? Why?
6. How does “Disposalism” affect the way that we treat elders, underprivileged minorities and vulnerable people?
Bible verses:
1. Better a dish of herbs where love is than a fatted ox and hatred with it.(Pr15,17)
2. The greedy tear down their own house, but those who hate bribes will live. (Pr15,27)
3. All human toil is for the mouth, yet the appetite is never satisfied. (Qo6,7)
4. For the kingdom of God is not a matter of food and drink, but of righteousness, peace, and joy in the holy Spirit. (Rm14,17)
5. No one should seek his own advantage, but that of his neighbor(1Co10,24)
6. Be sober and vigilant. Your opponent the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion looking for [someone] to devour. (1P5,8)
7. Then the LORD asked Cain, Where is your brother Abel? He answered, “I do not know. Am I my brother’s keeper?” (Gn4,9)
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