第六集(家庭如何改變世界)How Families Transform the World



短片:愛 +人 ──《愛的喜樂》動畫系列 的 小組分享題目


  1. 你同不同意它的內容?那部份同意?那部份不同意?你欣賞的地方是甚麼?
  2. 對於它的內容,對你有甚麼提醒或啟發?對你是否合用?
  3. 短片那部份內容,你自己有親身體驗?有甚麼困難?
  4. 若要做到短片內容建議,需要甚麼資源和幫助?
  5. 有哪句聖經配合剛才的分享?(請參考下面各集的相關聖經選讀)
  6. 彼此代禱和感恩



  1. 片中提到「沒有一個家庭是完美的」AL325,你同意嗎?為甚麼?
  2. 「家庭要我們第一個學習去愛的地方,也是我們首先得到愛的地方」AL323,你同意嗎?試舉例之。
  3. 婚姻聖召如何在世界見證天主的愛?試舉例之。
  4. 為什麼當一個家庭接納他人,並向他人申出援手,就成了家庭教會的象徵?
  5. 家庭透過那些方式「宣講」福音?


  1. 有三件事,我心中喜樂,這三件事也是上主與世人喜愛的,就是:兄弟和睦,鄰人友愛,夫婦同心。(德25:1—2)
  2. 正如父愛了我,同樣我也愛了你們;你們應存在我的愛內。如果你們遵守我的命令,便存在我的愛內,正如我遵守了我父的命令而存在他的愛內一樣。我對你們講論了這些事,為使我的喜樂存在你們內,使你們喜樂圓滿無缺。」(若15:9-11)
  3. 你們豈不知道少許的酵母,能使整個麵團發酵嗎?你們應把舊酵母除淨,好使你們成為新和的麵團,正如你們原是無酵餅一樣。(格前5:6—7)
  4. 作丈夫的也應當如此愛自己的妻子,如同愛自己的身體一樣;那愛自己妻子的,就愛自己,因為從來沒有人恨過自己的肉身,反而培養撫育它,一如基督之對教會;因為我們都是他身上的肢體。(弗5:28—30)
  5. 我們應該愛,因為天主先愛了我們。(若一4:19)

Diocesan Pastoral Commission for Marriage and the Family
Short films: Love + People –
《The Joy Of Love》(Amoris Laetitia)
animated series group discussion topics

《The Joy Of Love》(Amoris Laetitia) Animated Series for reference :


You can refer to the following questions after watching each short film (or just select a few of them) to share your opinions:
1. Do you agree with its content? Which part do you agree with? Which part do you not agree with? Which part do you appreciate the most?
2. What attracts or inspires you most about this content? Is it useful for you?
3. What part of the video have you experienced in person? Did you face any difficulties?
4. What resources and help do you need to follow the suggestions from the video?
5. Which sentence from the Bible matches the previous content? (See the related Bible reading below)
6. Intercession and gratitude.

Episode 6 (How families transform the world)

Discussion topics:

  1. The film mentioned “there is no perfect family” AL325, do you agree? Why?
  2. “Family is the very first place that we learn to love also the very first place we feel love” AL323? Do you agree? Please give examples.
  3. How does holy matrimony represent God’s love in the world? Please give examples.
  4. Why is it a symbol of the church when a family accepts others and reaches out to help them?
  5. Through what ways can families preach the Gospel?

Bible verses:

  1. With three things I am delighted,or they are pleasing to the Lord and to human beings: Harmony among relatives, friendship among neighbors,and a wife and a husband living happily together. Three kinds of people I hate, and I loathe their manner of life:A proud pauper, a rich liar, and a lecherous old fool. In your youth you did not gather. How will you find anything in your old age? (Si25,1-2)
  2. As the Father loves me, so I also love you. Remain in my love. If you keep my commandments, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and remain in his love.

 “I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and your joy may be complete. (Jn15,9-11) 

  1. Do you not know that a little yeast[e]leavens all the dough? [f]Clear out the old yeast, so that you may become a fresh batch of dough, inasmuch as you are unleavened. (1Co5,6-7)
  2. So [also] husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. For no one hates his own flesh but rather nourishes and cherishes it, even as Christ does the church, because we are members of his body. (Ep5,28-30)
  3. We love because he first loved us(1Jn4,19)



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