處? 這兩套紀錄片,目的是提供一些素材,讓大家從信仰角度作反思。 擁抱
Catechism of the Catholic Church #1902:
A human law has the character of law to the extent that it accords with right reason,
and thus derives from the eternal law.
Insofar as it falls short of right reason it is said to be an unjust law,
and thus has not so much the nature of law as of a kind of violence.
(cf. St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theol. Ia-IIae, q. 93., a.3 ad 2um)
For the past year or so, things happened here in Hong Kong, our home.
As followers of Jesus Christ, where is our place among all those? These
two documentaries aimed at providing materials for our reflection, from
the perspective of our faith. Let us embrace hope and move forward!
Recommended viewing – My Lord, My City- Faith and Hope under the Umbrella
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