【疫情下多走一步共祝福】周守仁主教 – 天主教香港教區


天主教香港教區 周守仁主教



#抗  #多走一步  #農曆新年祝福  #關愛近人  #捐獻  #周守仁主教  #天主教香港教區


Going one step further under the pandemic with blessings】Bishop Stephen Chow, Catholic Diocese of HK

As Hong Kong enters the fifth Covid-19 wave, Bishop Stephen Chow is urging the faithful to take all preventative measures against the virus, while going one step further by reaching out to our brothers and sisters in need and by donating to charitable organisations.  Bishop Chow extends his Lunar New Year wish that all may be blessed with good health.

#OneStepFurther  #BlessingsAmidstaPandemic  #LunarNewYearBlessings  #LoveandCare  #CharitableGiving  #BishopStephenChow  #CatholicDioceseofHongKong

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