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Seven Spiritual Works of Mercy
6th “To bear wrongs patiently”

This painting features a red figure – who is with a crown of thorns – and a black figure. The black figure is accusing the red one, reminding one that Christ was being accused frequently by Pilate and the Pharisees. How Jesus reacted in those situations is a model for all Christians to face all kinds of adversity, especially when being accused wrongly. Although Christ was accused wrongly, he did not give up. Although his head is down, his body remains erect, shows not only peace in his heart but also a sense of confidence. The head-down posture is in memory of those – in particular clergy and religious – who suffered during the Cultural Revolution in China 50 years ago. St Francis of Assisi says: he who is truly poor in spirit loves those who strike him on the cheek. The yellow glow around red figure is the halo of holiness that shines forth when this virtue of mercy is practiced by bearing wrongs patiently. The use of three primary colours symbolizes

Br William Ng
Trained as a landscape architect, I have done further studies in programme called Religion and the Arts at Yale Divinity School.
I aim to express elements of Franciscan spirituality through visual arts. As a friar, I believe that the art-making process is a way of prayer and the artwork itself is a form of visual preaching. In the Rule of St Francis, we are instructed to preach in a simple and direct way so I try to keep the message of my images simple and direct.

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