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The Seven Corporal Works of Mercy
3rd “Clothe the naked”

“I have my bread to the hungry and clothes to those who lacked them.” (Tb 1:17)

Love and mercy from heaven, soar like wing, and fall like feather. It can be the dawn in early mornings, and the moon and stars in dark nights. Feathered wing and wing can be as strong and sound as shield, but also be as warm and gentle as the breeze in spring. It brings warmth to the cold, cures the injured and heals the pain, safes those in danger, and leads the lost soul. Let the hopeless turn into faith; let the weak and meek be strengthened. Sorrow becomes joy, and those missed souls are found. Down onto the earth, there’s love and mercy growing in our hearts. And we pass it on.

Using the form of mixed media and performance art, artist creates this experimental piece. Materials, objects, images and texts on the artwork will be dominating the intuitive understanding of the readers. The theme, the message, and the imagery will be also revealed in the live art performance at the opening ceremony.
(Creative writing on artwork: Wiency Wong)

Monique Yim
Hong Kong interdisciplinary artist and independent curator, mainly works on performance, installation and public art. Yim also works as art educator, film and theatre worker. Yim was born in 1984 in Hong Kong, majored in Cultural and Religious Studies in the Chinese University of Hong Kong, double minor in Fine Art, Journalism and Communication.

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