第五集(愛與慈悲)Love and Mercy



短片:愛 +人 ──《愛的喜樂》動畫系列 的 小組分享題目


  1. 你同不同意它的內容?那部份同意?那部份不同意?你欣賞的地方是甚麼?
  2. 對於它的內容,對你有甚麼提醒或啟發?對你是否合用?
  3. 短片那部份內容,你自己有親身體驗?有甚麼困難?
  4. 若要做到短片內容建議,需要甚麼資源和幫助?
  5. 有哪句聖經配合剛才的分享?(請參考下面各集的相關聖經選讀)
  6. 彼此代禱和感恩


  1. 「家庭因工作不穩,財務狀況沒有保障,憂慮子女的未來,難以享受當下」AL50,你有同感嗎?
  2. 為什麼在家 中展現慈悲會遇到困難?
  3. 成癮(賭博、濫藥、酗酒)問題如何使家庭受苦?
  4. 我們如何為「那些迷失和處於風暴的人帶來希望」?
  5. 你是否認識身邊「分居、喪偶、長者、體弱者、孤兒、未婚媽媽、單親父母、殘疾人士、因成癮問題而掙扎的人」嗎?他們有甚麼需要?你認為他們可以用甚麼方式參與教會?
  6. 「慈悲是無功而獲、無條件和不求回報的」AL297?你相信嗎?為甚麼?



  1. 他賜給疲倦者力量,賜給無力者勇氣。少年人能疲倦困乏,青年人能失足跌倒;然而仰望上主的,必獲得新力量。(依40:29-31)
  2. 上主,我知道,人的道路不由人的,行走的人也不能隨便操縱自己的步伐。(耶10:23)
  3. 你們應當慈悲,就像你們的父那樣慈悲。(路6:36)
  4. 我們強壯者,該擔待不強壯者的軟弱,不可只求自己的喜悅。(羅15:1)
  1. 我說這話,並不是由於貧乏,因為我已學會了,在所處的環境中常常知足。我也知道受窮,也知道享受;在各樣事上和各種境遇中,或飽飫,或饑餓,或富裕,或貧乏,我都得了秘訣。我賴加強我力量的那位,能應付一切。(斐4:11-13)

Diocesan Pastoral Commission for Marriage and the Family
Short films: Love + People –
《The Joy Of Love》(Amoris Laetitia)
animated series group discussion topics

《The Joy Of Love》(Amoris Laetitia) Animated Series for reference :


You can refer to the following questions after watching each short film (or just select a few of them) to share your opinions:
1. Do you agree with its content? Which part do you agree with? Which part do you not agree with? Which part do you appreciate the most?
2. What attracts or inspires you most about this content? Is it useful for you?
3. What part of the video have you experienced in person? Did you face any difficulties?
4. What resources and help do you need to follow the suggestions from the video?
5. Which sentence from the Bible matches the previous content? (See the related Bible reading below)
6. Intercession and gratitude.

Episode 5 (Love and Mercy)

Discussion topics:

  1. “It’s hard to enjoy the present due to unreliable jobs, an unstable financial situation, and worrying about the future of the children” AL50, do you feel the same way?
  2. Why do you have difficulty showing compassion at home?
  3. How does addiction (gambling, drug abuse, alcohol abuse) cause families to suffer?
  4. How do we bring hope to those who are lost during life’s storms?
  5. Do you know anyone who is “separated, widowed, elder, weak, orphaned, an unmarried mother, single parent, handicapped, suffering from addiction?”. What do they need? What can they do to participate in church?
  6. “Mercy is to love unconditionally without expecting in return?” Do you agree with this? Why?

Bible verses:

  1. He gives power to the faint,abundant strength to the weak. Though young men faint and grow weary,and youths stagger and fall, They that hope in the Lord will renew their strength, they will soar on eagles’ wings. They will run and not grow weary, walk and not grow faint.(Is40,29-31)
  2. I know, Lord,that no one chooses their way,Nor determines their coursenor directs their own step. (Jr10,23)
  3. Be merciful, just as [also] your Father is merciful. (Lk6,36)
  4. We who are strong ought to put up with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves(Rm15,1)
  5. Not that I say this because of need, for I have learned, in whatever situation I find myself, to be self-sufficient. I know indeed how to live in humble circumstances; I know also how to live with abundance. In every circumstance and in all things I have learned the secret of being well fed and of going hungry, of living in abundance and of being in need. I have the strength for everything through him who empowers me. (Ph4,11-13)

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