短片:愛 +人 ──《愛的喜樂》動畫系列 的 小組分享題目
- 你同不同意它的內容?那部份同意?那部份不同意?你欣賞的地方是甚麼?
- 對於它的內容,對你有甚麼提醒或啟發?對你是否合用?
- 短片那部份內容,你自己有親身體驗?有甚麼困難?
- 若要做到短片內容建議,需要甚麼資源和幫助?
- 有哪句聖經配合剛才的分享?(請參考下面各集的相關聖經選讀)
- 彼此代禱和感恩
- 你是否曾經驗過家人連最簡單的任務也沒法協助完成?你當時的感受是甚麼?你如何處理?
- 「你最愛的人也是最容易令你動怒」這句話,你有體會嗎?
- 教宗說:「每個未完成的作品有待成長,尤其在婚姻中」,你認為是甚麼意思?
- 你是否有打開愛的眼睛看待配偶和家人的經驗?如有,你發現了自己些甚麼?發現了其他家人些甚麼?
- 你在家中是否經驗過真正的被聆聽?你的感受如何?
- 你承認自己的愛有缺點和不完美嗎?為甚麼它仍是世上喜樂之源?
- 上主富於仁慈寬恕,極其慈悲,遲於發怒。祂決不會常常責問,也決不會世世憤恨。祂沒有按我們的罪惡對待我們,也沒有照我們的過犯報復我們。(詠103:8-10)
- 因此,我們不可再彼此判斷了,反之,你們應拿定主意:總不可使弟兄失足或跌倒。(羅14:13)
- 為此,你們要為光榮天主而彼此接納,猶如基督也接納了你們一樣。(羅15:7)
- 對軟弱的人,我就成為軟弱的,為贏得那軟弱的人;對一切人,我就成為一切,為的是總要救些人。(格前9:22)
- 凡事要謙遜、溫和、忍耐,在愛德中彼此擔待,盡力以和平的聯繫,保持心神的合一。(弗4:2—3)
- 我親愛的弟兄們,你們要知道:每人都該敏於聽教,遲於發言,遲於動怒,因為人的忿怒,並不成全天主的正義。(雅1:19—20)
- 如果我們說我們沒有罪過,就是欺騙自己,真理也不在我們內。但若我們明認我們的罪過,天主既是忠信正義的,必赦免我們的罪過,並洗淨我們的各種不義。(若一1:8-9)
Diocesan Pastoral Commission for Marriage and the Family
Short films: Love + People –
《The Joy Of Love》(Amoris Laetitia)
animated series group discussion topics
《The Joy Of Love》(Amoris Laetitia) Animated Series for reference :
You can refer to the following questions after watching each short film (or just select a few of them) to share your opinions:
1. Do you agree with its content? Which part do you agree with? Which part do you not agree with? Which part do you appreciate the most?
2. What attracts or inspires you most about this content? Is it useful for you?
3. What part of the video have you experienced in person? Did you face any difficulties?
4. What resources and help do you need to follow the suggestions from the video?
5. Which sentence from the Bible matches the previous content? (See the related Bible reading below)
6. Intercession and gratitude.
Episode 3 (Love and imperfection)
Discussion topics:
- Have you ever experienced a situation where your family was not there for you when you needed them? Even with the simplest task? What was your feeling at the time? How did you deal with it?
- Do you agree with the statement “your favorite person is also the person who makes you angry the most”? How do you feel about it?
- Referring to the Pope: “Every individual is an unfinished product, constantly needing to grow, especially in marriage.” What do you think this means?
- Have you ever opened your heart to your partner and family? If yes, did you discover something about yourself? Or discover something about your family?
- Have you ever been truly listened to at home? How did it make you feel?
- Do you admit that your love has shortcomings and imperfections? Why is love still a source of joy in the world?
Bible verses:
- Merciful and gracious is the Lord,slow to anger, abounding in mercy.He will not always accuse, and nurses no lasting anger;
He has not dealt with us as our sins merit, nor requited us as our wrongs deserve. (Ps103,8-10) - Then let us no longer judge one another, but rather resolve never to put a stumbling block or hindrance in the way of a brother. (Rm14,13)
- Welcome one another, then, as Christ welcomed you, for the glory of God(Rm15,7)
- To the weak I became weak, to win over the weak. I have become all things to all, to save at least some. (1Co9,22)
- with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another through love,3 striving to preserve the unity of the spirit through the bond of peace (Ep4,2-3)
- Know this, my dear brothers: everyone should be quick to hear,slow to speak, slow to wrath,for the wrath of a man does not accomplish the righteousness of God. (Jm1,19-20)
- If we say, “We are without sin,” we deceive ourselves,[c]and the truth is not in us. 9 If we acknowledge our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive our sins and cleanse us from every wrongdoing. (1Jn1,8-9)
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